Friday, May 27, 2011

The Witcher 2 : Assassins of Kings

The Witcher 2 is probably the best looking game I've ever played, on PC or console.  The underlying game itself is just as amazing as the eye candy, so when taken as a whole this is a masterpiece RPG.  I have the original sitting up on my shelf, but never managed to play very far.  The combat system of different stances for different types of enemies never grew on me, and I really didn't like the way they handled combos.  I was hesitant when I first heard about the sequel, but thankfully I caved and picked it up after reading many positive impressions.

Both games are based off the Polish fantasy novels of the same name and center on Geralt of Rivia, a.k.a. "The White Wolf", one of the last of a group of professional monster hunters called witchers.  Taken as children, their bodies are first modified with powerful magic and alchemy, with adolescence spent in constant training.  As adults, they posses inhuman reflexes along with vastly superior strength and dexterity.  This makes them particularly suited for hunting and killing the most dangerous beasts.  Witchers abide by a code that prohibits them from killing any creature that has sentient intelligence, which I thought was an interesting caveat.

The game starts with Geralt waking up in a Temerian prison, wrongly accused of assassinating King Foltest.  He is interrogated by Roche, a member of the Temerian Special Forces, about the events leading up to the king's death.  Geralt relates how he served as the king's personal bodyguard and details the battle that ended with his capture and imprisonment.  Several noble families had risen up against Foltest, who in turn led the attack on a rebel held castle to free his illegitimate children.

The prologue follows Geralt as he and Foltest lead the final attack that breaches the rebel castle.  Some of the set pieces in these first areas are absolutely amazing, and really show how much time went into their design.  Thousands of pitched army tents with troops wandering about, a field hospital packed with broken and bloody soldiers moaning in pain, and a massive siege tower that Geralt and the king climb to join the first wave going over the walls.  Everywhere you look it's evident that someone took great care in building this world.

After the climax of the battle the king is assassinated and his killer escapes, leaving Geralt alone with the body just as Temerian soldiers arrive.  After hearing the story, Roche is convinced Geralt is innocent and slips him the key to his shackles.  He's taken back to his cell and locked up again, but manages to taunt the guards into opening his cage.  After a quick hand to hand fight handled through QTE, Geralt must arm himself and escape the prison.

Witcher 2's combat has much more depth than it's predecessor, with both strong and heavy attacks to alternate between.  You can string several of either together, with Geralt's attacks gaining more flourish as you go.  He'll swing his sword in circles with fast attacks, turn and bring the blade down full force for a heavy strike, then roll across the room to slash another enemy.  It's a very fluid system, as you can seamlessly go from one enemy to the next if you're good enough.  Geralt can also parry attacks, and then riposte once he learns the skill.  Parrying is absolutely essential when fighting some of the tougher enemies, and you can't just stand there waiting for an attack.  First off it doesn't last that long, so you have to time it just right or strikes will get through.  Successfully parrying a blow also uses up one of Geralt's two starting vigor points.  They will regenerate over time, but definitely not quick enough to parry every attack.

As a witcher, there are two final abilities that make up the Geralt's monster killing arsenal:  signs, which are basically the witcher form of magic, and alchemy.  There are five different signs to use, and each one has a very distinct purpose.  The Yrden sign is used to trap and stun enemies, while Igni can set them on fire, and Quen will surround Geralt in a protective shield for a limited time.  That one in particular saved me more times than I can count, as even on normal this game can be downright brutal.  Alchemy is interesting but I haven't really played with it that much yet.  Geralt can harvest from just about any plant or creature in the game, then combine those different materials to make a variety of potions.  Each one requires a formula before it can be made, most of which I've found so far can be bought from local merchants.  You can also pick up crafting materials like wood, iron ore, leather, and twine.  Just like alchemy, you can find diagrams to craft new types of weapons, armor, and other equipment.